The Importance of Maintaining a High Credit Score

Why is it so important to boost your credit score? Sign up for my monthly mailer to get more information.

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For those of you who receive the item of value that I send out each month, I’ve recently sent out a letter detailing the importance of having a good credit score, indluding tips you can use to boost yours if it isn’t where it needs to be.

By now, most everyone has heard about how the Fed has increased interest rates. That means when you’re getting a loan for a home mortgage or if you have a credit card, costs and payments could become more expensive.

This is why it’s so important to have a good credit score, because there are some perks to simply having a higher score. For example, you can get better home loans and a lower interest rate on a car loan or student loans. The benefits remain even if you’re not planning to apply for a loan. Additionally, a good credit score can also make it easier to get hired for certain jobs.

A good credit score can also make it easier to get hired for certain jobs.

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If you have specific questions or if you’re looking for information, feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to help you.