An Invitation and an Update From the Lessinger Team

Today I’m bringing you a couple of updates from all of us here at the Lessinger Team.
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Today, I just wanted to bring you an update on some of the new things going on here with the Lessinger Team.

As many of you may already have seen, both Re/MAX and the Lessinger Team have updated their logos. We’re bringing a new look and some new people to our team this year.

For those of you in our database who get items of value in the mail each month, keep an eye out for your invitation to our annual client appreciation event. This year, it will be a baseball game again and we’re so excited to have a great time with all of you.

The game will be on Friday, May 4 at 6:35 p.m., so save the date now. We will give you more details in the future, but we hope you’ll come out for some food and fun. Food will be provided starting an hour before the game, so come out early if you’d like.

We’d love to see you, join us for the fun.

Our goal this year is to get at least 100 people out there, and we’d love to see you join us for the fun.

There will be more events coming up in the summer months so be on the lookout for those as well.

If you have any other questions, would like more information, or don’t already receive our monthly mail-outs and would like to, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.