Why You Should Consider Buying Over Renting

Many people decide to rent a home instead of buying one because they don’t know enough about the process. We hope to shed some more light on this today.
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In the last week, I’ve probably talked to three or four different agents who are looking for a home for their clients. They aren’t looking for a home to buy, though- they are looking for a home to rent.

The rental market is as good as it has ever been for investors. Rent is at an all-time high and people are having a difficult time finding a place to rent, especially under $1,000.

If you’re in the market for a new place to live, you might want to consider buying a home as an option. A lot of people are hesitant about buying because they don’t know how long they will be in the home for. However, even if you’re only there for a few months, we can still get you a home where your monthly payment will likely be cheaper than what you would be paying in rent. If you end up needing to move, we can just rent the house out and cover your payment with that rent.

Every situation is different.

When someone is unable to buy a property in our current market for whatever reason, they turn to renting.
However, you won’t be able to control your situation unless you buy. Rent keeps going up each year, but locking in a rate for a 30-year mortgage now means that your monthly mortgage payment will remain flat for the next three decades. Think about it.
Every situation is different. If you have any questions for us or you’re not sure if you can afford to buy a home, we’d love to sit down with you and have a conversation to flesh things out.

If you have any other questions for us about real estate, I’m always here to answer them. Just give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.